I have wreaths all around the house. These are such fun to make and you can customize them with all sorts of the bits and bobs that I just love to accumulate. You know - shiny, glittery things.

I tend to put something on every bough for a nice full look, and the ornaments are wired on so they stay nicely in place. They are very accommodating for packing away as you can just bend and shape to spruce each year - as you do if you have an artificial tree.

These are some of my older photos but I am being lazy and just want to give you the idea. I use minitiature garland first and then wire the decorations on. Pine cones, snowflakes, miniature ornaments, bells, drums, and etc all make great adornments.

And of course miniature mirror balls - you've got to have those. I love these types of things for decorating because you just take down a picture and pop up a wreath or 10 and you're well on your way to festive.
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